Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Auto Insurance quotes

One other ways people can save a lot of money is their automobile insurance.I'll tell you six inside tips on how you can save money on your own car insurance

My first tip is to raise your deductible-
these are the amount which you pay out of pocket before the insurance company pays anything.For example, raising your deductibles from one hundred dollars to $500 will reduce your premium by 10% to 20% .And raising it to one thousand dollars will reduce 25% to 30%.It may pay to absorb the cost a fender benders yourself.

My second tip is to drop your collision and comprehensive coverage if you have an older car-
If your car is not worth, much why pay a premium for repairs on a vehicle you will probably replace if it's badly damaged

My third tip is to comparison shop-
Do not assume that all insurance companies charge the same rates.You can save from 30 percent to 50 percent just by comparing costs.You can get free quotes online
from insurance companies and independent agents which are people who represents several insurance companies.

My fourth tip is to drive safely :-):-) -
Accidents can greatly increase in premiums or the insurance company can cancel your policy at your next renewal.Also avoid traffic tickets since these can increase your premiums for up to three years.

My fifth tip is to have a good credit score-
To lower your rate,insurance companies may use your scored to judge your risk and adjust your rate accordingly.And so it pays to borrow wisely and consistently repay your debts on time.

My sixth tip is why not shop for insurance before you shop for your next new or used cars.Sports cars and more expensive cars are going to cost you more in premiums.Cars that are expensive to repair or that are favorite targets for thieves have much higher insurance costs .

There are other discounts such as being at least 25 years old,taking a driver training  course, carpooling,paying six month premium instead of monthly,installing anti-theft devices,low mileage driving,insuring more than one car and ensuring your home with the same company.

Make sure your insurance company is giving you these discounts.Shop around again in a couple years because rates are always changing.I hope these tips help you to lower your auto insurance costs.


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